Ratiba Hadj-Moussa et Michael Nijhawan (dir.)
Ratiba Hadj-Moussa et Michael Nijhawan (dir.), Suffering, Art, and Aesthetics, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, 244 p.
Comment conceptualiser les relations entre souffrance, art et esthétique dans le cadre plus large de la pensée sociale, culturelle et politique contemporaine ? Comment tester les limites d’un tel cadre de pensée et de discours en réfléchissant sur des œuvres qui se situent à l’extrême des expériences humaines quotidiennes de la vulnérabilité, de la perte et de le souffrance ? Ce livre rassemble des spécialistes des sciences humaines et sociales qui contribuent au débat théorique d’avant garde sur la souffrance dans l’art et la souffrance et l’art.
How do we conceptualize the relationship between suffering, art, and aesthetics from within the broader framework of social, cultural, and political thought today ? How do we test the limits of such frameworks of thinking and speaking when reflecting on artworks that are situated at the very edges of everyday human experiences of vulnerability, loss, and ongoing suffering ? This book brings together a range of intellectuals from the social sciences and humanities to speak to cutting-edge theoretical debates around the questions of suffering in art and suffering and art.
Introduction : Suffering in Art : Redrawing the Boundaries ; Ratiba Hadj-Moussa and Michael Nijhawan
1. In Praise of Ambiguity : On the Visual Economy of Distant Suffering ; Fuyuki Kurasawa
2. Denial and Challenges of Modernity : Suffering, Recognition, and Dignity in Sammy Baloji’s Photography ; Bogumil Jewsiewicki
3. Events, Images, and Affect : The Tsunami in the Folk Art of Bengal ; Roma Chatterji
4. Vocalizations of Suffering ; Caterina Pasqualino
5. The Art of Suffering : Postcolonial (Mis)Apprehensions of Nigerian Art ; Conerly Casey
6. The Past’s Suffering and the Body’s Suffering : Algerian Cinema and the Challenge of Experience ; Ratiba Hadj-Moussa
7. The Diasporic Rasa of Suffering : Notes on the Aesthetics of Image and Sound in Indo-Caribbean and Sikh Art ; Michael Nijhawan and Anna C. Schultz
8. Suffering, Animals, Spectators, and the Challenge of Contemporary Art ; Nathalie Heinich
Ratiba Radj-Moussa et Nathalie Heinrich sont membres de l’AISLF.